Auto-Magic filter
for internal mounting as a flip filter in video housings.

The AMS-F is available as either the 52mm AMS-52F or the 37mm AMS-37F, both of which are 3mm thick acryllic filters. These are designed to fit into the flip filter holders in certain video housings.

The filter is supplied with an instruction booklet, and a lint-free anti-static lens cloth for cleaning the filter after use.


Please note that the Auto-Magic filter is also available as a 50x50mm sheet of gel filter for internal mounting on your underwater camera. Both filters use the same filter recipe.

The AMS-F filters costs £39 GBP each. There is no discount for three packs of these filters.

Sample before and after photos with the Auto-Magic on a digital compact camera.
Both before and after taken on auto exposure and auto white balance: